What hookups can you provide for the TNC community?

We need to ship you over into the heart of T.O. ASAP, we’ll keep you in a cage or something… never seeing daylight, and never let out of the cage unless you’re wrenching or welding–that way, you can help all these suckers get their cars back on the ground. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll feed you motor oil, and transmission fluid. You’ll officially be dubbed: “Toronto Nissan Club’s” MIG, affluently named after Top Gear’s Stig, but you’ll be working the wrench instead!

lol! true

I just need to get the wire feed on my mig fixed, my dad is threatening to throw it out if i dont. I dont think he will though… his Camaro will never get done if he does. does anyone know of some sort of “universal-electric-motor-fixing” shop?

u also got the crazy pron story hook ups.:R

oh god, did i start talking about f*cked up shit last weekend? when it gets late i stop paying attention to what i am saying…

rofl …yeah it was random and great.

hrm…only thing I can think of is…

“the BUD not the beer cus the BUD makes you wiser…”

But ya, I can hook that up. tehee!:stuck_out_tongue:

I can give hookups on Bodykits… :slight_smile:

u take “bait out” to a next lvl.

i got the model hook up the photography and make up hook up

and other shit i cant remember…

Hanzzzzz: hook a brother up! :A

You win!!:R

hehehe why thank you church :smiley:

Hanzzz whats exactly wrong with your MIG and what one are you using.

I used to own an LE Power Mig 300 and used a Miller 251 250? (can;t remmeber) at a number of shops.


It’s a “BECCAMIG180” made by Becca and the wire feed motor does not work, either because the circuit is broken or the motor is burned out.


i got the clothing hook up
and erytime ur out wit me its nuttin but jokes :slight_smile:

just look http://postcardsbargain.com/clip.html

Never worked with Becca before. But just to double check… in case you haven’t already, just double check there isn’t a snag within the snake or your tip isn’t all clogged up. The tensioner for the spool can be a problem sometimes. But chances are, if nothing is pulling the wire… it’ll be the motor.

even if your not with us its still jokes…about you. lol. just kidding:D

and the constant virus hook ups as well.

HoooooooooooooLD up… so you’re really an asian, but with make-up to make you look more gangster? Shit son, now THAT’s gangster… Explains everything… “Wai?” and all… :stuck_out_tongue:

Should I even be clicking to “run”?.. I read “nuttin” at first glance, and thought you meant the other ‘nuttin’… :o

HoooooooooooooLD up… so you’re really an asian, but with make-up to make you look more gangster? Shit son, now THAT’s gangster… Explains everything… “Wai?” and all…

instead of gangster he meant black lol

being black implies begin gangster. its a fact.