What I was doing while everyone else got pulled over tonight...

Heres one I just took of the Sprite bottle I have next to me… this was taken in the PITCH black with only my laptop LED’s emitting light:


haha im going to be up all night now fucking with this camera…

Oh I do the same, they make excellent bathroom reading material. I read the owners manual for the camera back in like 03 probably, lol. I have the manual for my car in my bathroom right now actually… hah.

Little bit of photoshop:


Yep. So much better with the longer exposure though.

does anyone else see literally zero difference between the original and Nick’s PS’d version :rofl

Glad I didn’t go out tonight, I dont need to be getting yanked.

Yes, its very subtle and a decent monitor thats dialed in would help…

Chris, I have managed to take some pretty neat pictures with a point and shoot.
Which is good, because that’s all I can afford. :lol

You’d be amazed at the shots some people can take with a cheap point and shoot camera. People seem to think the Smiley Face on most knobs on point and shoot cameras is the only shooting option there. A lot give you the ability to change the ISO and fine tune the focus a bit more

I have no smiley face! :lol
Auto mode is good for point and shoot.
Quick pictures, and that’s about it.
Party shots and what have you.

I do wish I had a higher quality camera sometimes though.
Motion shots and what not, it really makes a difference.
Look how fucking amazing Nick’s pictures come out with a quality lens.

It really is all about the lens…

Having a decent body (camera) helps too. (oh boy here we go)

I mean, look at this great shot with benny in it.

I wish I had those guns

holy tits

wheres Kicklow? He <3’s kam-ruzz

i dont even use my shitty ass digi camera, my cell takes amasing pictures

check it

nobody usually realises its cell phone pics if i take the time to ajust settings

That is pretty good for a cell phone, what sort of phone do you have?

Sick. What kind of cell phone?

I’m going to see if I can get into the warehouse at work with my car somehow and take longer-exposure pictures. If I have time i’ll even load my car onto the freight elevator and take it up to the 4th or 5th floor and really go crazy with the pics. Theres some insane shit in that place, its an old abandoned nuclear bomb shelter… it really is something else and would make for such a sick photo shoot. Just gotta see if I can get my car up there, hah.

STOP taking night shots. They look like shit. I fucking hate night shots.

If you take them right they look fine

Everyone takes them though, and few pull it off, which is why I hate them so much.