What is love to you?

just curious what people think. remember this is on topic

love is in the heartland, or until the field gets plowed :slight_smile:

awwwwwww is ur boyfriend mad at u sweety :kiss:

i was going to say i love making fun of sam cause he is a big fucking tool!!! woot woot

havent found it yet, but when i do i’ll let you know what its like :hs:

awwwww I love u sweety :sex:

Love is when a chick takes it IDB again and again and again and again and again and again and again :smiley:


LOL, I’m guessing that you and Jen are in LOVE then?


my wife & daughters!!!

no… that’s his OTHER girlfriend. :hs:

its the feeling you get when you know nothing else matters. Nothing could come interferre with that feeling. You know that whatever possilbly could happen, your willing to make the best out of it. this would be just some of this thought

love is easiest described in the anguish one feels when the person/thing loved is absent. love is doing whatever you can to see the person you love, or sinking ten grand into a car that will only ever be worth five grand.

yeeaaahhhh!(lil john)
:bowrofl: :rofl: :idb: LOL

love is putting your life on the line for that other person without hesitation
love is being the everything to the special peson.

this is a really good booK… :beer:

love is cutty willing to give up his g-bodies to be with the girl he loves. love is lettin go when you have to. love is the feeling you get when you see the faintest light at the end of the tunnel. love is never forgetting the good times. love makes you cry tears of joy and the absence of love makes you cry tears of pain. some people same home is where the heart is but in my case then i haven’t been home in a long time.

right or left

right :smiley:


love is getting smashed back in your seat, while hearing the sweet whistle of an enormous turbo under your hood reaching 100K RPM’s, smashing air 25psi into your engine, while trying your best to shove the gas pedal through the firewall. Then letting off, hearing that BOV chirp, and relaxing as you watch in the rearview as the domestics headlights slowly come back into view. Oh, and IDB.

Love is when you have that right person for you and would do anything for and if you couldn,t you still tryed your best and more.Love is that feeling in your heart that just doesn,t go away and always reminds you that there is someone that trully cares for you and will always be there in good and bad, the joy you feel everytime you see them makes you think of how much you love them. LOVE…The feeling of overwhelming emotions that no one could ever truly explain with just words. Love is having someone there through thick and thin no matter what the situation.Love is trusting one nother. Love is helping each other out thruogh thick and thin.True Love…You just can,t explain it man :love:

Love is wanting to do and doing anything and everything to be with that person. That person you look forward to seeing after work or school. Love is when you smile and just look into the eyes of the one that cares for you. Love is when you’d stop supping up your ride just to buy and surprise that special someone with roses or jewelry. Love is going 105 to make it to that person’s house in 5 minutes when it takes the normal person 12. Love is doing whatever it takes to make it work. Love is the feeling when you stick your wee wee in their dupa.