OMG just like the computer from Terminator, NYSpeed is THINKING!
OK maybe not, but this kinda looks like a thought process. It’s a post that sprfreak just made, but this is how it showed up on my screen…

… and it kept going, but it went back to kinda normal when I refreshed the screen.
Anyone know what’s going on here? :gotme:
You are delusional and in need of sustinance…aka FOOD
fucking skynet has become self-aware :ohnoes:
/waives jedi had
everything is fine, go about your day
in a panic, we should try and pull the plug…
its to late
it already has plotted and finalized the take over
Spyware nukka… Stay off teh gay pr0n sites…
You obviously don’t know how obsesive I am about keeping my PC clean 
i saw the same thing… then when i went back to view it, it changed.
nyspeed went online in june of 2005, in febuary of 2006 it became self aware…
/ Sarah Connor voice
ROFL LMAO … google tool bar fucked up i fixed it … nuff said lol