What is your favorite cake?

not cak? u faggors!

I am sitting here eating the last of my birthday ice cream cake from DQ and I realize how much I love it and could it it everyday.

So I vote Ice Cream Cake from DQ

Closely followed by Chocolate on Chocolate


You like rocketship cake too???!?!?!?!

OMG HiV FTW Buttzex


yellow cake from Niger(the country)

Muscoreils has the best cakes ive ever eaten

NY Style Cheesecake.

yellow cake… with some raspberry or creme swirled in it…for birthdays

and carrot cake for whatever because it’s pretty amazing

and cheesecake when i’m feeling frisky

Lemon flavored cake, and of course cheesecake. Becuase it’s not like other cakes, and cheese is awesome. :slight_smile:

they are also 1.4 million dollars

when we have office birthdays we get their cakes. sooooo good.

Acura cakes.

Seriously, angel food cake with fresh strawberries.:beer:

The only cake I dont like is urinal cake.


Confetti cake

banana bread pound cake

carvel ice cream cake



Carvel can :suckoff: me


but when im itchin for a 1.4 million dollar cake it sure hits the spot!

they aren’t that bad…the dessert style cakes are around 18 bucks or so…:wink: