What is your favorite cake?

My cousin’s wedding cake was from there. It was good. Surprisingly. I’ve had other cakes from them that were dry.


Carrot cake, followed verrrrrry closely by angel food cake.

ohhh grandma’s angel food cake…i forgot about that… mmmmm


Quit postin and start baking woman!

The men are hungry :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad to hear good things about Muscoreil’s. They’re making my wedding cake.

Cheese cake or ice cream cake if I take a half bottle of Lactaid first, or anything that’s not too sweet and maybe has some berries or something.

Pecan Pie? More of a cousin of the cake family than a cake itself, but oooo soo good!

I love me any kind of cake as long as its tasty:cool:

Whatever kind of cake I had at my wedding was great. I need more.

Are you getting strawburry filling? Their strawburry filling was soooo good.