What is your LIQUOR to drink Unmixed.

95.6% pure ethyl alcohol makes 151 seem like a drink with an umbrella in it.

Don’t drink often, but when I do I go for the 151. Gotta love that it’s got fire hazard warnings on the bottle and a flame arrester screen in the top.

Black Haus

…idk if id post that on a public forum

Had peach moonshine a few weeks ago… best stuff I’ve ever drank

Hypnotic for sure

Glenlivet and cigars all day everyday


I haven’t distilled since '05… I mean, it was for personal farm equipment fuel use anyway :ninja

i run my old case tractor on corn too :ninja :lol

disirono (sp)

Gooooose or absolute razzz

Newest is Jack Daniels Tennesse Honey

Newest mixer tho has got to be 7&7’s


Remember that? ahahahha

Man some of you guys drink some crazy shit. I can’t even think of stomaching 151, have had moonshine before and about died. Interesting to see all the different stuff. I stick to my vodka I guess cause of my Russian heritage I can drink this shit like water. And never get sick or hungover from it.

Had a real bad event from that. Can’t even smell it without vomiting.

Goldschlager for me. Same thing

Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey straight from the bottle!

What was your worst drink? and/or experience after the fact.

Mine was Aftershock, when I was under-aged and a noobie. Tastes like mouthwash and sugar. Drank a shit piss ton of it, and puked it all back out. Burned like a mother fucker coming out of my nose, and since it was red, and I was drunk I thought I had internal bleeding and was buggin out. LOL

18 shots of blackhaus in a 40 minute period chased with grape soda and oreos. Vomited oil for 12 hours. Dunno how I survived.

Smirnoff Raspberry Vodka…was down in NYC one weekend with some friends when I was like 19-20 pounded the bottle and then proceeded throw my guts up for the rest of the night and the following day. I still get sick to my stomach at the smell of Vodka straight up!