What is your LIQUOR to drink Unmixed.

worst experience, Going to beirgarten and drinking 2 litres of Optimator (not a weak beer), then getting the bright idea to hop on my friends party bus and bar hop around albany and not have to drive… started drinking vodka tonics, things got reeal blurry and dark after the 3rd bar… apparently i blacked out and somehow got back on the bus with my friends and got in a argument with them and started choking them out. people were scared and called the cops because i was a monster… lol. cops came and somehow i came to and humbled myself and cooperated with them. and managed to not get arrested. also the next day was the worst hang over of my life… puking green shit for 12 hours. Im sure some of you have worse stories. but there’s my COOLDRINKINSTORYBRO

Worst experiance:

Just got back from vacation buddy decided he was gunna have people over to drink so while on vacation i bought stuff to make chocolate cake shots (Frangelico, Vodka, Lemons, sugar) After about 10-11 of those i decided it would be a good idea to break out the vanilla flavored vodka. Big mistake. Drank about 3/4 of the 1.75liter bottle in about an hour. this was all before 9pm. For the next hour and a half i was running around taking sips of everyones drink outta there hands. I was SHITfaced. went to bed hammered at 12 woke up at 6 still shit faced and proceded to puke for the next 7 hours. before falling asleep at 1 for two hours and woke up fine. Worst night ever. Everyone i talked to the following day said i was walking around drunk and looked like i was on the verge of death. LOL

sounds like an amazing night… till you woke up drunk

Ill take shots of anything atleast once but I dont drink straight liquor.

Seems like when I take a strong shot I get tired and fall asleep in random places. A few weeks ago when I was in MA I was drinking beer all day and was fine but I took one straight liquor shot and ended up falling asleep on the lawn downtown.

Beer makes me sleeeeeepy

Everclear has made me a sad panda a few times now.

19 shots straight of takillya( taquillia).got up of the chair i was sitting to take a leak then fell a few steps later hammered.Threw up outside and proced to stay there tillthe next day.Tried to drive home 12 hours later and gog about 1/8 mile and.parked car.Walked back to my friends house and his sister calldd into work csuse i started puking blood.This was back in 95 and ill never think about drinking it again.In fact im gettin nauseus thinking about it now.I never did get to nail his sister though even though she dragged me to her bed.
P.s dont ever drink in drive

Did a suit party at RPI at my friends frat once, free Jungle Juice and Beer, $2 for 3 jello shots, after id say about 20 jello shots, multiple beers and juice, i hit the ice luge with grey goose about 5 times, from what my friends told me i threw up, slipped in it, they drove my old grand marquis home, didnt even make it inside i fell asleep on the grass, had a girls ring on my finger and no shoes on

Thats why i cant do shots anymore

The night was a blast waking up drunk SUCKS. This night is the reason i only drink beer now.

please explain this. slipped it in what? haha


I used to love strait vodka/rum shots or on the rocks. I had too many bad experiences with both, rum was my 151 night where I was drunk the entire next day, and one with vodka where I killed about 1/3 of my handle of svedka in 4 hours and crawled in and out of my bed throwing up for most of the next day.

I’ll drink patron, hypnotic or malibu rum strait though these days.

I Vaguely remember a 4 story beer funnel at RPI. some fun parties there.

None of this is true

hpnotiq allll day.
but if im feeling the urge to get hammered quickly, 151…

This is the most ridiculous statement I have ever read.

Alcohol is a stimulent until a certain bac is reached, then it becomes a depressant and makes you sleepy lol

Yeah well let’s play some golf this week and we’ll just have to see about that

DOWN! :rofl

Toyotaboy made it seem like beer, and only beer, makes him fall asleep at the gaming wheel.

Facebook friend requested. Idk what happened but my phone must’ve gotten loaded and started deleting random people