I’m thinking a nice DD, A4 or legacy.
AWD RLs seem like a good buy now
Next car I buy will be replacing the Expedition, so probably:
honestly, if you are buying a car that is more than your gross pay on an annual basis, there is something seriously wrong…
as a disclaimer, this is not directed towards anyone in particular in this thread. i just get the sense that people like to dream/talk/buy big without any regard to the actual impact it will have.
A girl I know has one in Canada. They are amazing. Love the cars.
I am really liking those. When I valet for Onyx last year, I got into one and was like, wow. I like the Ford Edge too.
late 90s legacy wagon
I love valeting for onyx. I drove so many sweet cars, last week I valeted a maserati qautroport, omg sex on wheels
An 08 Malibu or Aura for a DD?
a house might get in the way of that
Not to be a dick, but welcome to america, and who are you to tell people what to spend their money on.
Sure, I get a lot of shit for being 20, living at home and owning a 2008 car worth 25 grand and a newer sport bike.
I won’t lie when I say atleast 75% of my income goes to my transportation needs.
Some peoples priorities are different, for instance, are you going to knock a couple making $60K a yr who own a $300K house? Same goes with a car.
I know when I settle down, My transportation/fun will deffintly be more expensive than my house I live in. That’s just what I like.
Yeah if I had no new future housing plans I would be driving something much nicer.
RDX for the wife.
what makes you care what others spend their money on?
im not telling people what to spend their money on. im saying that making choices like that lead to financial difficulties.
i would definitely knock a couple making 60k owning a 300k house. why? because it is stupid thoughtless decisions like your example that have contributed to the disgusting financial clusterfuck our country is currently in.
there is a difference between prioritizing car over house and living beyond one’s means. transportation over housing, that choice is personal preference, like you said. however, living beyond your means, while still a personal choice, is a stupid one.
and, dying with a lot of money is smart.
I’m a firm believer in spending all you make on your self and having a FUCKING blast. and dying happy.
I get knocked for it too. Yes, I have money in an account for a rainy day but I know when i’m older I’m going to have a fun ass life.
with the way gas is going i plan on buying a turbo diesel excursion and throw a 12" lift kit on it with some HUGE 39" super swamper tires…that’ll be my DD…as for a fun car…something heavy with a V-12
kidding :lol:
possible hybrid??