My Hemi

Right now I am driving a 2006 Cadillac STS-4 with the performance luxury package.
Adaptive cruise
Heads up display
magnetic ride
ventilated heated/cooled seats
Nav/DVD/Ipod video
plus every other box that can be checked
It drinks more gas than the V, but it is a tank in the snow.
08 impala
Cackord vs. Legacy outback challenge?
Just a little bit dirty
Your winter wheels look better than your stock wheels painted black.
No snow drift Pics ? HaHa are you still rocking those same shitty tires ?
They work well in the snow. I’m actually impressed
I’m really just trying to burn through them ASAP, but they just aren;t dying
HaHa nice, We should get some snow drift pics, the M whores would love that LOL
Let me know when and if I’m in town I’ll join. Tandem ///M drifting
I’m down… I need some practice though…
I wouldl ike to get some pictures of the two M’s and post them on revlimited and see the world implode there.
But it has to be super snowy!
HaHa just gimme a call, get mike too, Oh I just picked up SB-800 too so lighting is def going to be T-up
wow… nice speedlight!
Yup should be fun to play around with around with.
just because you hate on black wheels
I can’t help black wheels look like cheap steelies :shrug:
Lets update the winter ride pics!
I need to ride more!
Hey look! A really boring video of me riding my sled today!
I took mine for a spin around the block a few times yesterday, then up to the gas station to fill it up. Got a few thumbs up on the way.
Price was right, free. Its an 81’ Polaris Cutlass SS 440. Weighs almost nothing so it does great to make a trail, just climbs up and over the snow rather than sinking like some of the heaver ones.
Going to buy a new windshield and clean up the rust at some point…and I have to get the brake working…on packed snow it doesn’t slow down that good when just lifting the throttle and the brake is totally disconnected.
Problem now is getting to a trial, I’m right in the middle of suburbia and no good way to get there by sled alone.
ugh for petes sake it’s Tande///M.