What It Do New To This

Names Mike I live in irwin bout 2min away from pittsburgh. I currently Drive a 98 Blazer till I find something i joined this cause im new to the import world and theres a lot of info on here If you got any cars for sale get at me im lookin to buy. Umm im a professional musician i play bass drums guitar and a bit of vocals thats not my only job tho im a cement finisher for mike greer concrete construction if you want to know any more just ask

Welcome…Irwin is alittle farther then 2 min from the burgh:tounge:



:wtf: Welcome:dunno:


maybe he meant 20 min.???

anyways welcome.

Hey Welcome, I work in North Versailles, so pretty close to you… Welcome anyways!



My bad it is 20 min from tha burgh not 2 it was a long day when i wrote that


Have any hot legal sisters?

Looking to buy an import soon?

I have an LS1-powered Miata for sale.


that miata is serious business ^

how about a 2003 mazda protege ex with all the mazdaspeed stuff on it with k-sport suspension and more?!?!



hahaha nahh

Both sound decent lets see some pics



welcome. good luck with that whole import thing.

hey welcome , btw i got a CLEAN ASS 94 integra gsr i’ll sell you …lots of mods