What just happend at mighty ?

hahahahah him hitting the pole… im so mad i wasnt there for this… you need a better camera phone and a more stable hand btw… of all the nights im not there… wtf

Sorry about the shitty vid, and me jumping up and down in excitement when he hit the pole. And yes there is a blood stain…

what an entertaining evening. gotta love trash :slight_smile: we should just become tonawanda police so we have a better reason to sit in that parking lot all night rather than just not having lives.


“I’m gonna call the cops.”

“No give it a few minutes. This is good video”

Also, that noise you let out when the sunfire hit the pole was hilarious.

Why exactly did the dudes come out of Yings yelling shit? DId they honestly just come out looking for trouble or was there another reason that shit sparked up with those two cars specifically.

Must have been real exciting, someone forgot how to use the zoom button. I CAN’T SEE SHIT!!! :slight_smile:


Must have been real exciting, someone forgot how to use the zoom button. I CAN’T SEE SHIT!!! :slight_smile:


Shitty camera phone FTL. :tdown:

“We weren’t paying attention, we were having a great convesation.” :lol:

^^^^^^^^^ there was this one time where some dude hit a car and butch chased him to UB then I got a ride in a cop car to identify the guy


Shitty camera phone FTL. :tdown:


you gotta learn to not talk during video. “oh snap”

lol @ the schoolgirl laugh when the car backs into the pole!


Why exactly did the dudes come out of Yings yelling shit? DId they honestly just come out looking for trouble or was there another reason that shit sparked up with those two cars specifically.


All of the people that were fighting came from the bar. Not sure why those two cars were parked in front of mighty. Lucky for us I guess.


you gotta learn to not talk during video. “oh snap”


+1 x-eleventy-billion. And was that a 5 year old girl giggling when the car hit the sign?

Damn, guess I really should have went last night. :lol:

Invest in a better camera! You could be selling this to a shitty late night reality tv show or something right now…

I don’t think uploading the video to the net was a good idea. Cops surf these forums, this could be evidence withheld by witnesses, for an Assault/Battery case. I think you can get in trouble for holding back evidence from the authorities. Specially, with
“We should call the cops.”

“Give it a few minutes, this is good video.”

That’s just asking for it. Should have left it on ur phone, but this is all my opinion.

I am on the fence on this one. I think you guys should have called the cops right away when he went down. I find it hard to just stand by and see someone lying on the ground and not do anything. I do realize he deserved it but you can’t just ignore the fact he is hurt…

my .02…

“I’m just ready to run” lol, thats great

who the fuck was laughing like a girl? :rofl:
