What keeps you goin through the days?

How about some honesty in this thread.

If you really get down to it. There is no point. In 3 billion years the sun is going to engulf the earth and we are all going to melt and die. When you die, the world as you know it ends. Your body gets buried and you get eaten by worms.


The fact that your here and gone and that someday the world is going to end, pretty much means nothing you do matters. Nothing at all. So why worry about? Live life and make yourself happy. If you can’t find happiness you have the choice to end it. In 100 years people will have never heard of you and life goes on. You could pretend there is more after you die, if that makes you happy. Just don’t let it influence the way you live now because if you do and your wrong, you wasted your whole life following an imaginary being and are fucked because your dead.

Personally, I am the happiest I have ever been since I have accepted the fact that when I die I die and nothing more happens. There is no guessing, no worrying. I choose to live because there is a lot that makes me happy. Find what makes you happy and hold onto it.

Disclamer: GIRLS do not make you happy. Only in bed. And sometimes in the car with your pants down.

I thought I was the only one who thought about things in that perspective. A++ post.

This thread…

if I’m havin a shitty day (assuming it isnt raining) I go to albany and hit up my favorite skate spot.

Typical response from someone with no female interaction and a limited social life.


:lmao :lmao

Ah Turbo, you kill me, please sit back down. Just because I dont include the Shift population in my personal moments doesnt mean they dont exist. :rofl

i look forward to getting my car done and seeing my girl

do you smoke weed?

Religion is a hoax. When you die, that’s it, you are dead. There is no afterlife so take every day for granted and live it up while you can. :thumbup

Is his thinking too deep for you? :rofl

I keep going with beer and the ability to kick adam in the knee with no repercussions

This can work too :rofl

It helps maintain sanity during rainy weeks

haha… I deff agree with your first answer. But I think I need to try kicking adam myself!

It is good times and the fact that he is slow to begin with and now has a bad knee again makes it nearly impossible for him to catch you as long as you pay attention

He’s gonna beat you with a crutch one of these days

Gimps with guns arent as slow as you think…:shifty :lol