what the hell do these names mean


I have no quam’s with his rant.

  1. I don’t use lame “JDM tyte, yo” language or care to understand what it means.
  2. Say Kouki & Chouki 10 times fast.
  3. If I had a SR20DET in my coupe, I wouldn’t call it a Silvia.
  4. I call a coupe a coupe and a hatch a hatch.

To each their own, flame me for being Canadian, I dare you.

(insert necessary smiley icon so people don’t get to overly sensitive to my challenge) =D

hoser, go hide in ur igloo, and eat ur caradian bacon

Mmmmm Bacon!

Its for all those noobs who are like yo im so jdm and tite that i talk about my cars generation in japanease cause im so badass.


wow there are a lot of closed minds on SON.

i have a zenki hatch with a chuki motor and kouki tails what am i


… This year’s Award for Stating the Painfully Obvious goes to …

What I don’t get, is why JDM cars have English names.

Man, I still have the original Japanese TV ad for the S12 Silvia. The announcer gets an “A” for effort, but man … “Shhiiiiiiiiiilllvia” even better, of course the trim name has to be in English too … so we get to hear him try to say “Full White RS-X”

Yet we get alphanumeric names for the same cars.

This whole Chuki, Kouki and Zenki thing is not worth getting your panties in a twist.

But yeah, I remember when I didn’t know what they meant, and everyone that did held it over my head like they’d discovered the cure for cancer.

Odd, those same people are still driving stock 240SXs.

It just makes me smile when people go on and on about their Silvia Kouki coupe with chuki spoiler, and Zenki tails, and you realize what they’re actually saying is “My crappy stock USDM 240SX has parts from other crappy 240SXs stuck on it. I paid 6 times what used USDM parts are actually worth to have this Heinz 57, busted ass KA powered shitbox.”

I don’t care if you call a 240/200SX a Silvia or not. They’re both S12, S13 or S14 chassis. I’ll say S12 Silvia before 200SX, but that’s because I don’t want anyone to think I drive a FWD Nissan Jelly Bean.

I’m more offended when people refer to their cars as things they’re not

… like fast.

Cal, definitely a fair argument. Albeit slightly off topic, it’s a good debate in it’s own for sure. Maybe we could start up a proper mature debate in a separate thread about this in off-topic or something… Wait, this is SON so it probably won’t stay mature when the children start chiming in. But anyway, since I tend to disagree with your feelings towards converting things to english to suit our needs we can battle it out one day, like gentlemen. Are we on?

Deal, next time I come out to a West End meet I expect you to hold me to it! (I’ll actually try to come out this summer…)

wicked :smiley: I’ll probably forget though - I tend to do that haha

its not a big deal to me really just know what they mean for your own good andthen forget about it so if people talk to you and use the words you know what they are talking about