What to do tonight...

Im going out with a friend, and I have no fucking idea wtf to do. We want to go to canada, but theres some concern regarding her expired ID. What can we do over here? Shes not the “quiet walk in the park” girl. Im under 21 FTL. Suggestions? $ frankly isnt an issue…

Go clubbing?

date wise?
I was just at the shogun and that place rules.
I’m guessing thats not what you are looking for tho.


All ladies love that.

I thought you had to be 19 FTW in canada?

:meh:colder than balls out…im chillin in bed all day

watch 24.


dinner…then a movie…or coffee

Movies, Women love em. Then some fine dining. Then go clubing!

Because of that I’m guessing movies isn’t that great of an idea. Two people going clubbing doesn’t sound like a lot of fun either. Assuming she’s not too shy and is more on the fun-loving side I like the previously mentioned Shogun idea, and then how about Comix Cafe?

Well theres some other factors at play here, looks like well be going out sometime next weekend…
