well with the recent court ruling WinMX shut down. I just havent bothered downloading any music since then, but want to download some songs now. I tried to use limewire last night, but that slows my computer down so much it took like 10min just to close the damn thing. So what other options do i have?
damn i’ve been meaning to load winmx for a while now, had no idea they were getting shut down…
i remember a while back being introduced to audiogalaxy. com, or .net , i dont remember which…but it received high praises from friends of mine
limewire is my fav, but on occasion it does lag the fuck out of my computer. all i do is close it and reopen and it normally fixes it.
torrents and irc are still pretty good
cdigix.com if your a student and if your college offers it…
RIT picked up the tab for me so i ahve pretty much unlimited free downloads. but if they didnt pay for me, it would be like 2.99 a month for a student… pretty sweet if you ask me for licensed music and no risk. however the songs download as wma’s with the digital copyright protection thing on them so you cant make them mp3s. this is easy to get around with an easy to use program though and create mp3s to burn. jsut my 2cents tho if you want no risk and cheapo cost
I’ve been using tunebite to convert the wma’s. Not much quality loss too, just don’t play any sounds or do anything during the conversion
UB even has a hub you can use as a student, the “Bizarro” hub. My name is Buck on there, im usually pretty active, and there are tons of movies/music shared.
end of story.
Its sooo easier to pay for music that is right there and you dont have to spend time searching for it or worrying about the quality being shitty.
Its like the Itunes of russia :lol:
Why are the songs so cheap? ie: $.12?
dont get caught on DC++ haha… i know someone who did… a close friend actually. who ever thought… 12k kids at RIT and they get 20 IPs… well long story short … sucks to be him and he had to pay a few thousand $. that made me stay away from DC++ now
Because its russia,they dont have to pay royalties and follow rules.
When you sign up you pay like a flat fee of $10 and you can download alot of music for that much.
Those guys are making a killing charging that much,probably a small group of people and its mostly all profit except for hosting.
dc++ at ub is pretty safe, only way to use it is to have a ub ip adress which u need a ubitname for, pretty sure rit is diff.
i’m also a big fan of just going to the library, renting a bunch of cd’s that i want, and burning them when i get home… :gotme:
morpheus for me… works damn good
soulseek works good for me. can download whole cd’s way easy.
i used to use this, i dont remember why i stopped. I think it was because they were finally hitting morpheus users with lawsuits.
TORRENTS > your momma
google + bit lord = 60 gigs of music, movies, and programs.
Yeah, and its more than pretty safe, its damn near perfect. Only registered students/staff can access it, and thats only if they can find the hubs ip It seems to work well.
i think i tried that once… do you need to be on campus for that? or can i use it from home and just connect to UB