what you want for christmas

So guys what do you all want for christmas??

*1992-1996 Lexus ES300, black w/ black interior, 5 speed
*a new pair of Doc Martens
*a case of Woodchuck Cider and/or Golden Monkey
*Sirius Satellite Radio
*World domination

money or MP3 player

the Lexus is certainly a turn in a different (right) direction. SC300’s are nice cars. And if you know where to get a stolen Supra, the 2JZ drops right in.

and I want BLKP42E uinder my tree wearing nothing more than a big red bow.

dyno time

good pick!!!

id like to have my gf home for christmas…thats all


i’ve aready ready got more than anyone man could want!!!(my & two great daughters)

a cure for my wifes illness
my own business
all my parts for all my cars

money, clothes

Dell Bluetooth GPS

blonde with big tits

i got my tv already but some sticky tires would be nice

All I want for christmas is my two front teeth…and money would be nice so I can pay off tution for the year!

i know of one for ya


let me see what i can dig up in the archives

themo chic


I could use a blonde girl with good size ta tet ta tooties!