What you've all been waiting for...H2Oi Part I, your computer might die

Ha ha thank you lance. I almost forgot about my girl in purple

how did no one notice the dub bitch was potoshoped into the picture


lol wow…I guess no one was looking at her beatness that close

why were you looking at her so closely? :shifty

tristan does not approve

understandable everyone had their eyes on those knockers

So you used my old fake ID you dick statue!


You know what im taking about pal


was this one from canada with the cf trunk lid?

no it was from never never land

canada is now to be refered to as “Americas hat”

Check out what this kid did to make it that way



^^^ HOLY SHIT! that is sooo cobbed and unsafe!

jesus THAT is unsafe

didnt get to read all the posts on this thread yet but did anyone knowtice the girl photoshopped into the background??

Saw her there but didnt actually notice she was photoshopped! lmao

That thing was fast. The owner was cool too. We ran into him on the way home.

Yea those guys were chill