Whata Beast!

so im at my valet parking job and two giant dudes who i normally see at the hotel with either an H2 or SL500 ask me to take them to dinner in their turbo diesel f-350 superdoodie… a Lariat? something like that…it was a huuuge truck…before i leave to go back to the hotel, they give me a $20 and say “we bought this thing jsut to fuck around in…have fun”…that truck could kill shit

I wish I had that kinda money

did you go level buildinds with it ?

wheres this scratch on the rocker from?
-you said you bought it to have fun, so i flattened some crack houses, one of the 2nd floor railings hit the rocker panel on the way over

LOL, i need a job as a Valet

“eh, we’ll just buy another to fuck around with”

I saw one of those hit a civic Hatch…rear ended. front wheels almost made it to the front seats. off 6 inches. fucking monster trucked it

i wish i got ppl like that where i valet. I need to get another account damnit.

i watch one drive up a tree. it was sweet because a week earlier the guy ran me off the road

:tup: sweet job