YAY sausage fest! sounded like the best time ever!
YAY sausage fest! sounded like the best time ever!
Oh right, because you were there :
there was definitely a girl there
well you said you lance and a bunch of guys…which leads me to believe :giggedy
a girl? just one?
Yes, just one. We all did the elephant walk at midnight and she video taped it.
or that was John changing my quote, my post clearly said “a bunch of people”
:lol a girl x 8 or so
i just remember waking up with Fn Skanks next to me lol… :ninja
With whats been going on lately maybe you need to change your name to Homo sxy time. ;D
lol i went to sleep first…and john approached me that first time…i guess im jst a very pretty egyptian :gay
no homo
So youre only gay if youre giving and not gay when youre receiving?
other way around paul :
Im not into any of that but I was just asking if thats his explanation.
lol, not gay at all but since singh changed that thread title i guess on Shift518, i am gay… :ninja
and the whole waking up with a guy thing too
and im ur pimp???
he was just laying on the floor next to me, its not like we were cuddling, just getting pissed at rankins cat for being a loud fucker in the litter box
yea, now give me money bc im broke lol
DO WORK!!! john hasnt paid me for ur job yet :tong
maybe he doesnt cuddle after sex? :ponder
i give you credit for that brilliant retort lol