whats everyone doing these days?

just wonderin if anyone was going out tonight, could take some night pics.
it would be sweet since its warm and nice out this week, good chance to see everyone again, since there hasnt been an necc meet for ages.

that would be sweet

I’d be interested. I’m still on winters though and will be until all this snow melts… But eh, I can live with that.

i took mine off to have some fun, so far 1 week and no slow since i got them on, i love it! took only 30 min to switch all 4. was well worth it.

ill let u guys know where we can all meet on sat night. i was thinking heritage mall or something common to the south side. somewhere nice to take pics first would be sweet.

the weather for sat:

MAR 10
high 3°C
low -4°C so thats what it will prob be at night…
P.O.P 10%

so ya it will be nice out…

can i bring the hyundai?
i have never been to a meet cuz every time something breaks… :roll:

yea bring the hyandi, who cares