What's in your fridge?

Mine is always full.

it’s relatively empty right now as I am in Paris and Aaron doesn’t like to shop for groceries :slight_smile: But we have a nice selection of cheese, salad dressings, jams, eggs, and a veggie drawer full of onions, shallots, potatoes and carrots.

I’m guessing there’s a carton of milk that’s gone bad :picard:

oh crap, totally forgot about a pound of ground beef in the back that probably is bad by now. Aaron, if you read this, it’s in the blue tupperware, please throw it out!!

Quick grabs in our fridge would be: yogurt, fruit, veggies, my kids like uncooked hot dogs or a slice of ham or turkey rolled with a slice of cheese, theres always string cheese, jello, pudding…I’m sure there is more, but I’m to lazy to get off the couch and look.

I hate when people say “uncooked” or “raw” hot dogs.

They’re already cooked when you buy them, they’re just not heated.

correction just for newman: my kids like cold hot dogs!

I have beer, mt. dew, pepsi, purple stuff.

No food, no condements, no milk, no nothing.

I spent $168 on groceries at Save a lot yesterday. That’s like $400 anywhere else. I will be good until like May on everything except perishables. (Bread, milk, eggs, fruit)

I always have more beverages then actual food in my fridge.

I always have:

Cans of Coke, Dr. Pepper, and Diet Coke (wifey)
Orange Juice (no pulp)
Milk 1%
Brita (original filter)
Pink Lemonade
Bottles of Snapple Peach Ice Tea
Beer (Bottles only)
Juice Boxes/Capri Sun (whatever is on sale)
Ocean Spray Cran-Raspberry

buying shit you can “grab and go” = waste of money and easy ticket to fat town

Which sucks, because fat town has an expressway in and a bike path out. :karter:

Food and drinks.

Ever since I moved out of my UB apartment a year and a half ago I stopped cooking and just picking up food. There isn’t really benefit to buying food for my and storing it other than juice or small snacks since I am usually on the go with work and end up throwing more out than I eat.

There is better places than Wendys and McDonalds to pick up cheap prepared food. I haven’t cooked in over a year and actually lost a lot of weight. One of the big reasons is that it prevents me from snacking when I am bored.

such as?

I am in a similar situation. I end up throwing away food because I am never home.

Subway & Panera Bread are a couple. Take out Applebees is good too. There is a new Wraps place across from the Eastern Hills Mall on Transit in Amherst as well (similar places elsewhere?)

As for the fridge, I also found something else related to the “hot dogs” mentioned earlier. Those cheese fills brats and wursts. Cut them in half and heat one in the microwave for 50 seconds. Get some bread and coat it with some Horseradish Mustard. Place heated cheesey goodness on bread… yum.

I usually have a slimfast in the morning which I buy a big pack from Wegmans or something since they don’t spoil which lasts me till about 2 or 3 in the afternoon.

For lunch I will pick up bigger portions of something. I will stop at Moe’s, Panera, Tim Hortons (sandwiches and soups), Pizza Hut (3 lbs of pasta and a medium pizza for like $20 and lasts me 4 days), Boston Market, or even sometimes fast food as long as you avoid fries and the 64 oz soda’s.

From there I eat some for lunch and throw the rest in the fridge and bring it home for dinner or eat it the next day.

I found this way was a lot cheaper than buying food, cooking it at night and then having to leave town for work and throwing out 1/2 the stuff I bought.

I thought you said CHEAP solutions to dining in.

Not one thing mentioned is even close to grocery shopping. Panera is highway robbery for a meh sandwich.

And no thanks to the slimfast breakfast… lol

it’s so much more expensive to get takeout.

in the fridge, i have:

cottage cheese

on the shelves:

whole wheat bagels
quaker oats