What's in your fridge?

Living on my own, I find that my fridge is always EMPTY! I remember back when I lived with my parents the fridge was so full I couldn’t get anything in it…

Now, I open it when I’m hungry and find NOTHING to eat…

So, I need some ideas for easy “Grab em” things that can go in the fridge.

I have a couple of bottles of pop, a few beers, grape jelly for peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, a loaf of bread and some mozzarella sticks and pepperoni in the drawer. There is NOTHING I can just grab and eat…

Ideas? LOL

shit is full of bottles of moet

Milk, Ginger Ale, Orange Juice, Apple Sauce, Provolone, Ham, Grape Jelly, Hot Sauce, Margarine, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Spray, A&H Baking Soda, Maraschino Cherries, and BBQ Sauce.

So when you say “I’m kinda hungry” and open the fridge… what do you have in there to grab & eat?? You sound like you’re in the same predicament as me!

she dumps it all ina bowl and grabs a spoon.

Leftover stuffed shells, an apple, bag of Italian salad, beer, pop, water, door is full of condiments, romaine hearts/carrots/mustard greens(for tortoise)

My fridge is always empty… anything I buy expires before I eat it.

I find non perishables to be my best bet as a single guy. My cupboard is full of soups, ravioli, top ramen, veggies, stuffing, instant noodle sides etc.

I eat a box of stuffing mixed with hot sauce and BBQ sauce as a meal quite often.(I’m poor and lazy) Quite filling, quick and easy, and best of all it costs a buck. Sometimes I’ll add a chicken breast or something to it also.

I have the same problem with stuff going bad. I miss milk :frowning: I’d buy the small carton and always feel like it is bad, even though the expiration date hasn’t come around yet. So, I stopped buying it…

I too have noodles and soups in the cupboard. I also have the small microwave single-serve soups and noodles and such…

But, I want stuff to go in the fridge. There’s gotta be something… LOL

OH YEAH… I bought a load of bread and eggs today… the loaf will will get gross before its gone.

I had a loaf of pumpernickel bread and some Wegmans Dill Dip in the fridge for a while. I found that keeping the bread in the fridge on the bottom shelf let it survive longer than if it is on the top or middle shelf. Dunno why. That was a quick “grab em” food for the fridge.

I miss fruits the most… I usually eat my daily fruit at my parents or girlfriends parents house. I eat as much as I can at both locations.

being a college student, my freezer is packed with michelinas dinners. the fridge is the usual thing. gallon of milk, 2 cases of beer, and some bacon thats been sitting for weeks

Arnold Palmer…only a dollar for deliciousness

I load up on frozen shit at Save A Lot. It’s cheap and you can jam pack a freezer with effort-free food for $50 to 100

lettuce, chipped roast beef, milk, crystal light, clausen pickles, leftover TGI Fridays, homemade spaghetti sauce, taco shells (great for wraps , cheese/chicken quesadillas) chicken breasts marinated in bbq sauce, chicken breasts marinated in speedie sauce, franks red hot, eggs, imitation crab meat, carrots, gatorade, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, loaf of bread and im a college student lol

Cook more. And cook enough that you have leftovers, that’s what I do. Now onto the list!

Top shelf: Milk, oj, half and half, sweet & sour mix, seven up, bottle of white wine, bottle of homemade red cooking wine, peach schnapps, glass of wine I didn’t finish earlier today, apple cider, grape juice, parrot bay

Second shelf: Leftover homemade mac and cheese, leftover homemade fish sticks, leftover half of chicken panini, store made rotisserie chicken, two packs of nan, eggs

Third shelf: Homemade peach french toast bake, yogurt, a few bottles of water, jello cups with sliced peaches, leftover steamed sugar snap peas, pita bread, garlic hummus, leftover homemade dipping sauce for fish sticks, greek yogurt

Dairy drawer: Ricotta cheese, grated parmesan cheese, shredded mozzarella cheese, shredded sharp cheddar cheese, wedge of gouda, block of triple x white cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, prosciutto, bacon, two salmon filets

Veggie & fruits drawer #1: celery, several white onions, a red onion, swiss chard, head of cauliflower

Veggie & fruits drawer #2: baby carrots, shallot, fresh oregano, fresh parsley, fresh chives, bag of baby spinach, mushrooms

Door: dijon mustard, ketchup, mayo, brown grainy mustard, minced garlic, garlic cloves, butter, mirin, tamarin, soy sauce, some other chinese sauces that I can’t even begin to remember the name of, grenadine, lemon juice, chicken broth, red bull, worcestershire, hot chili oil, salad dressing, artichoke hearts, apple cider vinegar, jar of roasted red peppers, apricot pineapple preserves, triple berry preserves, franks, syrup, cream cheese

Freezer: Frozen mixed fruit, frozen broccoli, frozen dinner (for desperate times), vodka, frozen baby shrimp, frozen jumbo shrimp

I’m sure there’s more, but that’s what I remember off the top of my head. I also just went grocery shopping two days ago and have stuff to make dinner five times this week (spinach salad with warm bacon and apple cider dressing, four cheese baked penne, roasted red pepper salmon, shrimp scampi with artichoke hearts, and pulled bbq chicken sandwiches)



i’ve been meaning to go grocery shopping for a few days now, i’m pretty sure all i have in there is miracle whip, milk, butter, grape jelly and a 12 pack of pepsi


$.50 Tina’s Burritos! 1:25 in the micro=Meal! Yogurt, fruit, string cheese, shit ton of diet pop,Beer of course.

Beer and just Beer