Question: what to bring to work

Alright, I have to bring a lunch to work - that cannot be refridgerated.

I’m sick of PB&J’s.

I need more ideas. I try to stay on the healthy side, so not junk food. I usually like a sandwich, or something with substance, a type of fruit, and a pudding cup for dairy.

Any ideas? Someone help me. :whip:

get a cooler bag then you dont have to worry about non-refrigerated foods, opens you up to lots more lunch options

esay mac?

word and word to red dawg

ill take u to OG at RL everyday


esay mac?


easy mac = not healthy.

I work at a police station. I rarely get to go in the break room and use the microwave, so i try to stay away from it. I can’t monitor the progress of something cooking in it.

I could buy one of those bags, but i’m lazy. I just wanted some more ideas, maybe i was missing something i could be making.

cold pizza ftw

Duh donuts



cold pizza ftw


if my easy mac is to unhealthy ur jus spinnin ur wheels with the cold pizza idea…lol

any way how bout the packets of rice that rice o roni makes? takes 90 sec in microwave

hrm good idea. i love rice.





lunchables contain a lot of salt… i would die a slow death.

oh jesus kristen… stop being so damn picky

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:11,topic:28267"”]

hrm good idea. i love rice.


Those are not healthy, by ANY means. You may be consuming less calories and/or fat…

but the sodium content in those (besides the ones that are pretty much just plain rice) are insane.

true… salt and sodium are a big no no. Any other ideas? So far i’m eating an apple today at work. i need substance!

Skunk: stfu :stuck_out_tongue:

Buy one of these, a couple cold paks, make turkey sandwiches

kristen: diaf…while eating a lunchable

alright, i invested in this:

it’s more my style howie :slight_smile:

but i need ideas until it comes in the mail.

Or you could be cool like me :

  1. open web browser

  2. type in

  3. select food establishment

  4. order whatever I want

  5. click next

  6. click next

  7. wait for food to be delivered.

  8. feast.