You packin'??

I dunno but that title sounds off huh…? :tounge:

Okay so do you pack your lunch or buy out???

What typically do you take to work if you pack? And what do you use to carry it in??

I try to pack when I remember to save some dollars. It goes in whatever Kerith puts it in…brown bag usually, tuperware if leftovers

splitting a subway footlong between 2 days is economical enough…untill it gets old which is usually day 2

Burrittos, Hot pockets, Salads, Tv dinners, Burrittos, Oohdles and noodles. burrittos.

Pack a lunch?
Buy out?



Gotta buy my lunch every day and everything tastes the same in the airport.

buy everyday… thats why im overweight :0 well its also because im lazy

i never eat lunch unless the shipper buys or we stop somewhere. besides that i just wait for dinner

i thought this thread was about who is packing a gun

WE have a kitchen at my office. I usually buy lunchmeat about 2 times a week on the company card and stick it in the fridge for everyone.

I try to pack as much as possible, maybe 2 or 3 days a week. Leftovers from dinner if there are any, or a couple turkey/roast beef sandwiches. We have a little “store” at work to raise money and those containers of chili sure are good! All that prepackaged stuff has a lot of sodium though.

I have a stack of gift cards. so buy. kinda

Usually take a salami and cheese sandwich or leftovers from the night or two before. In tupperware.

mmm salami

pastrami 0wnz me

usually pack 4 days a week. Turkey or Ham with hard salami or sandwich pepperoni. Some cheddar sun chips or those 100cal snack packs. Grapes or a banana top it off, and maybe a fun size candy bar for mid way through the afternoon. reasonable healthy I guess, considering I could be eating a huge burger or something every day.

ur brown eye

pack every day. I maybe go out to eat 2-3 times a month.

