Question: what to bring to work


Cereal and buy some of those milks that don’t need refrigeration?

Meal Replacement bars?

Soup in a thermos?

Between not wanting to use the microwave, no refrigeration, healthy, and filling you got me stumped.

My lunches:
Various sandwiches (ham, turkey, chicken salad): all need fridge.
Occasional lean pocket: fridge and microwave
Leftovers from dinner: fridge, sometimes microwave

Soup in a thermos was all I could think of that meets all your requirements, but that was already mentioned. Maybe stop by the army surplus store and get some MRE’s.

i’m going to try the soup thing, or howies lazy lunch :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m also a huge fan of space food. i just have to get some more. mmmmm

excess sodium isn’t a big deal as long as you are drinking a lot of water, and don’t have hereditary (sp) tendancies towards high blood pressure etc.


MREs are probably not a good idea for people who sit around in an office all day.

I had one of them at a basketball tourney that lasted all day.

I’ve never felt so hungry, yet energetic lol.

It’s so weird, usually when I’m hungry, I get kinda lethargic and lazy.

I have a ton of stuff that I eat throughout my day…

Banana - mid morning
Granola bar or pretzels - just before I run during lunch

Yogurt w/ fresh fruit and granola - after I run
Apple or Pear
Chinese rice cookie low in fat, calories, sugar, etc.
Fruit Leather

Late Afternoon
Sometimes another rice cookie

actually. a grapefruit. i love them. and those fruit leathers are really good too. i eat them quite often.

what are the chinese rice cookies? i always crave a little bit of sugar everyday.

severely limited options >*

  1. go get one of those bags. like, $10 or less. and a couple freezer packs. then you can take whatever you want.

  2. /thread

i’ve tried to do what you’re doing before, and stay healthy. you get sick of Everything. just go to Target and call it a day :slight_smile:

EDIT: haha i rock the fridge under my desk these days cause i’m sweet tho :tup:

i love leftover grilled or breaded chicken in a wheat wrap with lettuce, feta and cucumbers with balsamic vinagrette on the side. so good, something i never get sick of.

I’ve found just the thing for you,hehe.

really good deal…i cant eat these all day…love them

lol thanks but gross :stuck_out_tongue:

You could always have some cack for lunch.

Low in calories
High in protein
No need to refrigerate
No need to microwave
Depending on method, you could even get some exercise while eating
And even if you can’t find some at work, I’m sure there are guys on here willing to deliver.

:lol: I kid… I kid. :lol:

hey i might get yelled at for this suggestion. Sahlen’s ham, turkey, chiken. all 97% fat free

Plugging the sponsors? :stuck_out_tongue:

Gotta get that money for the racing budget…

the sponcers??? you mean the my life jsyk (just so you know) sahlen’s does not on the cars so im just pluging my dad.

As already stated but I’ll throw in some stuff I take to work with me:

–Non salted nuts (cashews and peanuts)
–Occasional turkey ham chicken salad or tuna fish sandwich
–Cans of tuna
–Small bottle of hotsauce (tuna + hot sauce = yum)
–Brown rice w/ cooked veggies
–Other veggies ie) celery, carrots, etc.
–Grilled up chicken
–Occasional grilled fish

Those are just a few of the things I’ll bring with me. All of it will fit nicely into tupperware or sandwich baggies. Most doesn’t require heating either, I have full access to microwaves but in your case I’d probably go against rice/veggies as they tend to be better when warm :slight_smile: Hope this helps.

god, I cant remember the last time I brought lunch to work and didn’t order/go out. I think at one point I was in the ball park of $90/week just for lunches and morning coffee’s. I’m a fatass