What's this, a good story in the news?


:tup: to Joan Lewandowski.


that’s awesome. :tup:

wonder if they will start supplying them for all the k9 units now.

That is just great to see.

But, I wish they wouldn’t disclose things like this:

Both dogs were trained to answer commands in Czechoslovakian for “sit,” “stay” and “lie down,” a tactic designed to outsmart the criminals.

I was thinking the same thing. But then again, how many of the typical criminal that gets the dog put to them are going to bother learning the Czech words for those commands?

lol no shit. Same thing when they disclose troop movements in Iraq/Afghanistan

:ham: What the hell are they thinking?

Depends on which part of town they’re in. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not too mention it can’t be too hard to find it on google… I’m just not going to do it.

i wouldnty have been surprised if the BPD had said NO to the vests or some BS like that …

“sorry, they didn’t come from the official union bidding process, so we threw them out.”

:tup: to someone who cares.