what's up peeps

hey how’s everybody doin’ ? purxtaz here owner of a '93 Nissan 300zx. tt., glad to be a member of the Toronto Nissan Club should have done this long ago! I worked for Nissan for 9 years and have owned 3 modified maximas the 300zx is my latest project. Also used to run a maintenance and performance shop in scarborough. My head mechanc and i are no longer there, but we rent a hoist and still do work, i also still have my links with Nissan so if there’s anything i can help any of you guys or girls with please let me know,

                               so long for now :)

welcome to the site :slight_smile:


Hey, I’m looking for an Oil Pressure Sensor for a 1990 300ZX TT.


Welcome, cant wait to see the Z

hey welcome to TNC always good to have more people who know alot about nissans.

i need somone to custom make me a motor mount for my motor if you know anyone… let me know…

cheers and welcome to the site


hey ninja i’ll get back to u with pricing on that tommorrow as soon as i talk to my parts guy, and zep i’ll get back to you on the motor mount situation tommorrow as well.

Thanks man