Whats up

Whats up guys. My names Adam I live in Butler, PA. Im a student at Pittsburgh Techinical Institute majoring in Computer Aided Drafting. I dont have a job at the moment…:frowning: But yeah I’m into Sports, video games, cars, music, yeah u know. Ive surfed Pittspeed for a while and finally registered. Well i dive a 1993 Chrysler LeBaron GTC Conv. Not really modifided don’t know if i want to or not. I just like cruzin in it. I have done some research on building a SC kit for it but i want to save money up for a car project iv been dreamin up for years. Yeha well i havent seen nearly any LeBarons on here so if anyone has one let me know. yeah well thought id say whats up. Later


welcome. my buddy got a conv. lebaron, put the top down last winter and did donuts. worst idea ever. :bigthumb:

haha no dought, prolly mildly fun, though i dought im gonna try that anytime soon ;->



welcome! I’m in a CAD class right now

ha ha you ass finnaly got on here now we have to get dans car de-riced and get him on here lol this is phil btw

does your LeBaron have a #1 Son liscense plate?

Welcome :slight_smile:

welcome :slight_smile:


no it doesnt


guess you never seen Freddy Got Fingered

yeah i got it… :-/

mayb i should get one made

:beer: welcome!

hahahaa your an ass :rofl:
