Whats with google?



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it’s based on ACTUAL searches people most often do… yes believe it or not. Google is awesome lol

Some people are gaming it a little bit, its purely a SEO move in some cases. You usually see politcal messages in their predictive search, people seem to get off on that.

They’ve been localizing the autocomplete results so you see more of what buffalo tards are searching

yeah I know that they are location aware now. So that if you are looking for a location or local point of interest, you have a better chance of having the autocomplete return something of relevance.

Such as green poop.

^ thats what Im wondering about. No way that many people searched for green poop.

I understand the Canadian slave thing though.

yeah that is kind of weird

why is the sky blue??

I got virtually the same autocomplete results here in florida as well…