What's your fav part about Thanksgiving?

no… we won’t… i think I am going to boston w/ kcuv!

I know. I’m coming with.

“Hey, so you’re name’s Danielle? I kind of need to have sex with someone in that front loader over there and your name is on the list.”


visiting friends and family in buffalo for 2 weeks and then the food :tup:

THIS! And the 5 day weekend :ohyeah:

deep fried turkey. I make the best mashed taters ever, so those too.

Thanksgiving this year will be some gold and white corn, onion/mushroom gravey, garlic mashed potatoes and a deep fried 18lber

I’ll probabaly make some home made pumpkin pie to, none of that box mix shit.

So thats for just you i take it?..what are you making for everyone else?

Thanksgiving Eve!:jam:

I heard storys about you taking it.

Last 18lb bird I did lasted a week.

Stuffing and even better, days of leftover stuffing. The good kind that’s cooked in the bird. I seriously prefer thanksgiving to Christmas. Get together with all the extended family, drink some beers and have a good time, stuff your face with amazing food, pass out on the couch, and enjoy leftovers for many days. No commercial bullshit, no scrambling to buy gifts in crowded malls, no thanksgiving-related music, just the basics.

Paid holiday

Last year for thanksgiving eve I was trashed. This year I am doing a Turkey trot at 9am on thanksgiving… So, I’ll be drinking water… :frowning: I love post dinner sleep, and football.

Favorite parts of thanksgiving:

-Turkey Trot (first time this year)
-Visiting Families
-Good Food
-Annual Tradition with friends of going to a movie at 11pm, then hopping in line for Black Friday right after (whether or not we buy something, we do it every year).
-Passing out at 9am on Black Friday :tup:


and the fact that it’s not a religious holiday, so you don’t have to worry about offending someone by saying something blasphemous like “merry christmas”.

man, i shoved my dick all in that stuffing before we put it in the turkey. it was amazing.