Happy Thanksgiving Nyspeed

I can imagine a good percentage of you are still sleeping off the hangover.



Either way, count your blessings and be thankful for the ability to pig out like a true american today :tup:

fuck being thankful. i’m all about the food.

Haha. Who is eating turkey? Im gonna be having some mickey d’s.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Id like to deep fry that bird today, but thats unlikely to happen. But happy thanksgiving to all .

A few of us have some major things to be thankful for this year. Make sure you guys take a second to remember that.

Remember 9/11 !!!11111111oneoneone

I was so hung over I’ll admit that I yuked this morning, had some tylenol and water, slept some more, and just now had the most amazing t-giving dinner!

What a day!

EDIT: Pie, football and more sleeping to follow!

This is very true.

I’ve got a ton to be thankful for this year. But I’m sitting on a beach on sanibel island so I’m having a steak for dinner
Happy t day all

^^^ Sanibel really?I’m going there in about 4 weeks to do some “shelling” lol.Any tips ya got for me or anything else?
You were def. one of the ones I was referring to with my above post.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope everyone has a safe holiday!

We aren’t surprised

I worked all night and slept all day. Made hamburgers when I woke up :slight_smile:

you definitely came to mind yesterday. still kickin’ ass and taking names?

Yesterday would have been my friends bday, but he died in a car accedent back in 03. He leaves behind his parents and brother, who is now an only child. So make sure you guys give your brothers/sisters a hug, becuase you never know when they will be taken from you. :frowning:

R.I.P. James