i did not see this thread yet maybe it is a little early but none the less happy thinksgiving to everyone including fry.
give thanks for ball bearing turbos and titanium valve springs
all praise the allmighty car gods
Dear Lord,
Soon we shall thank you for all the awesome things in life.
Most exquisite peelings of rubber.
Big and burly multi cylinder air-pumps
Loud and squealing air compressors
Whining screw drives
And last but not least exploding seals at the tips of a triangle.
We shall celebrate by eating the modern day equal to the Dodo, firing our shotguns in the air with much glee, and praying that it doesn’t hit someone miles away.
too soon junior
thread failure.
another n00b trying to get recognition…so he jumps the gun. :picard:
too soon junior
quoted for truth, there is a reason why you didn’t see a thread yet
also the same day microsoft windows 1.0 was released for the nerds
so today is November 20th
i did not see this thread yet maybe it is a little early but none the less happy thinksgiving to everyone including fry.
Merry Christmas Buddy!!!
too soon junior
bullshit asshole, no one likes the tuna here.
i like the tuna
it is never too soon there slappy, the day after thanksgiving there is going to be a marry cristmahonakawsaka (sp) thread. besides x-mas music is already playing on star 102.5.
Now is the real time for this thread. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
I guess I can say it now.
Gobble gobble.
Ok…So I am leaving on a jet plane…don’t know when I’ll be back again…
Well Monday to be exact. So that being said Everyone have a wonderful day with family and friends and enjoy the long weekend (if you have a real job :P)
Be safe…be happy…yadda yadda