wheelie-cunt vs. suckling the teet-cunt

or through viper windows. :ninja

Yeah thats for sure we all have faults. Some faults blend in with society others dont so well. its just that people make mistakes in life, or act like they do sometimes and it turns off people in a way that they dont feel like giving someone a chance, to get to know them properly. First impressions are a bitch. Call me a stereotypical person, a racist, hypocrite… what ever the case may be, but thats how it is. I havnt met you either, but I “know you” long enough on here and i can see you have changed alot over the year posting up on here. I still remember the lambo argument we got into over a year ago. Your bussiness was doign well and you were showing that a little and it rubbed some people the wrong way. We bashed eachother in the balls a bit and got over it. Now it seems like your much more level headed, and I see alot of great advise in your comments, more so than befor. But way back when I didnt want to say hello to you if I ran into ya, but now :thumbup.

I come off as a short tempered hot head on here alot who like to spout off with the flip of a switch, and the people that choose to meet me will see I am much different in real life. But having a short fuse on the internet and coming off as a rich kid calling everyone haters, driving a new “dream car” 180+ down a public road with others on it, threatening people over the comments a majority feel towards him and all the other shit make it a little harder to slip your mind and give him a shot when you meet up.

so to allllll the h8trs. :hugmahnutz