wheelie-cunt vs. suckling the teet-cunt

Don’t worry, I won’t fuck the shit stabbing up.

I didn’t know he was ragging on someone’s stuff either.

All too often I read post’s about this Evilz guy having really nice shit and people assuming it’s handed to him. Who cares if it is or not. All I’m stating is every single person here would be all over his opportunity if they had a chance to.

Carry on with the bickering.

Yea, he ragged on someones Viper in this thread, lol. And the most recent time from what I recall… he posted up a picture of his truck with big, retarded…ugly ass rims. Someone told him their opinion and he just shouted out that they were just jealous thats why they dont like it kind of deal.

Any opinions, comments, etc towards him he automatically pulls out the hater claim.

I remember that post. Those wheels did look stupid too. Guess i’m a hater.

Annnnd that would be me.

Look at the actual labor your putting in and your said 3 jobs, and look at how you got them. Did you have to interview with your grandpa to get it? Fight with other potential trail park CEO’s to gain the position? Maybe work your way up to that position? Yep, I am hiding behind a computer screen and heckling away with hearsay… my friend told me this, or he saw that shit. BUT the bottom line is you haven’t proven jack shit to dis-credit those accusations’.

Whatever man if you can feel proud every day getting into the cars, riding the toys or doing whatever else you do with money, then so be it. If you don’t look at the steering wheel and think, “thanks for the help…” whither it be a little or well over the top help, that’s fucked up and that’s why people are “haters”. We don’t hate against what you or other people have, we hate against the way they get them, and carry themselves.

Did you ever think of it this way? Back the boat up and take out the family that lucky for you, let’s just say opened the doors for you. Would you still be in the same position as you are now?

Whether you like it or not, there’s a bunch of jealousy going on in here…

Jealous of? I have appreciation for the car, lack of respect for the owner… def. not jealous… I might be jealous of some other members on here, but not this guy.

Like it or not, STFU.


HAHA, :cry: SRY Mr. H0twh3els

Oh no doubt…

Do I get jealous when I see people like tony or now cossey with the money to do what they want? Sure. I bet a lot of people here do even if they won’t admit to it. We all wish we had the money some people have or the help/opportunity some of our peers get.

Am I a hater? No, because if I was given the break or chance some of the people have been given I would enjoy every minute of it. I wouldn’t rub it in peoples faces, nor would I try and pass it off as some other bullshit. I don’t have a problem with people who have money, or family’s that have money and buy them everything they want, I have a problem with the people that have all those breaks and pass shit off as being done by themselves 110% when its not.

I don’t know tony other than the forum here and a brief few words out and about at the lot, so I’m not going to say he doesnt work hard for what hes got, or that his parents/grandparents hand him everything.

I will say thou what KKK said carries a very valid point, regardless of the work, and how much of it you do… If it wasnt for your family you probably wouldent have what you do. Not saying that makes you a dick, or a greedy brat or anything like that so don’t take it the wrong way…

You have been forgiven.

I work in the family business…but i also start my new job in virginia next month.

I wish i was as fortunate, no hate or jealousy.

Im still laughing at the situation in this thread though.


Tony has always been nice to me in person, can’t really judge somebody based on anything other than that.

this thread is awesome though!

I have no issue telling my friends my situations. Life is what it is, and you should be proud of your actions good or bad. Man up and deal with it. I will just say this, it’s not fucking jealousy. It is the lack of respect for someone’s actions that they make. It pisses me off to see it, and it has nothing to do with “well I want that too.” kiddy bull shit.

Little KK personal information to back up my opinion. My fiancé’s father hasn’t been an active role in her life for 20+ years since her parents split up. He cant seem to pay for a ticket to come visit, hasn’t sent a Christmas or birthday gift to her in years, and now while planning to get married has attempted to contribute anything to that… YET can drive a Saleen mustang, some bikes and other shit, yet lives with his brother because he cant keep a job and pay for a house. Yet when we do see or interact with him its thrown in our faces. Recently he came into ALOT of money, just take a wild guess how. Lets just say it sure as hell wasn’t earned. With that being said, he still won’t help her out, pay back the un paid child support from years ago to her mother, won’t pay back his brother for living under his roof and didn’t tell the family about his new situation… my fiancé only knew because he called one day and slipped up bragging about it. Its fucking shameful.

Am I jealous? Fuck no. Could I use a little money, sure I could. Do I need it? NO. His actions will tear the family apart even more once it surfaces, and knowing his past track record that money will be blown soon and he will be back to being broke. Someone can say it all they want, I am not jealous, it’s a worthless statement without backing it up. I think I can back up my statement.

Stop playing nice, this is war suckaduck.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

I will add nothing to this thread, except…


That is all.

Or cinderblocks, if you live in your Parents basement.

The only thing I have to add to this is… If I had all of that money handed to me, I think I’d buy something better than a ZR-1.

People in glass houses sink shshsshshhssships!

LOL @ the people acting like they wouldn’t take the same opportunities Tony has had if they were in his position.

I have met Tony a few times and he was never anything but nice.

This thread is proof that jealousy comes in a lot of forms. One thing that I have learned is that if you look hard enough you can find problems with everything life has to offer. And when people get mad or jealous they will seek out those problems and focus only on them to make a point.