When are YOU getting married? (now with "already married" option)


exactly why i’d make the poll. I wonder who shares my views…

Fuck, i forgot to add “i’m already married”


you also forgot…
“i’m going to marry the 1st vag I get”


where is the 3+ year option for ppl that DO have gf’s

Zong, I second you


there’s a 5 year option.


already am, so I can’t vote

Prob. 10 years.


this thread makes me think about stuff I don’t want to think about.



haha owned

i can’t even vote :confused:

got engaged a few months ago, getting married in about 18 months or so. Have some of that war/deployment stuff going on right now.

Where is the “i’m doin it common law” option?

Haha, I was curious to see if my boyfriend, dmoffitt, answered. He didn’t, lol.

We’ve talked though, and are very open about it. He never wants to get married, I do eventually. We’re just going with the flow because it’s not worth stressing over. We enjoy each other’s company right here, right now. Not worried about 5 years from now.


I am also doing it common law.



Sorry, couldn’t pass it up! :stuck_out_tongue:

nyspeed - your next domestic partner is waiting ?

i am never getting married, or if i do it will be off the books, just a verbal ring thing

july 25th 2008


Fuck, i forgot to add “i’m already married”


I feel neglected :frowning:

married 14 years and counting here. I did good, we even still get along.


i am never getting married, or if i do it will be off the books, just a verbal ring thing


All the joys of marriage without the tax or insurance breaks?


All the joys of marriage without the tax or insurance breaks?


and the fact that she can likely still take half your shit anyways, don’t forget that.

oh also, clearly no chance at a pre-nup since you never actually got married



All the joys of marriage without the tax or insurance breaks?


Oh, how I do enjoy those. :smiley:

ill stick to slampieces

The way things are going right now, I’m 22 and can’t even think about getting hitched.

I don’t plan on settling down when I finish school either.

International Travel >>> marriage