When are YOU getting married? (now with "already married" option)


haha. you’ll get your MBA and then decide you wanna be a doctor just so u can drag it out a little longer


thats the route ill take…Call me crazy but i like school :slight_smile:

why does a divorce cost so much? cuz you didn’t sign a prenupt?

I’ve only been married for a month, but so far so good. I think (hope) it totally depends on the girl. Mine surprised me with Nitto NT-01’s as a wedding present. I’m thinking it’ll work out just fine…


why does a divorce cost so much? cuz you didn’t sign a prenupt?


i guess if you have enough for her to take before you get married -yes get a prenup! -like if you own a house or a couple or more cars.
After your married everything automatically becomes HALF hers! house cars etc. So you would add the value of everything you both owned then subtract that by your real debt(not utilities etc) so lets say you have a house that cost 15ogrand. and with a car loan or two, maybe a couple credit cards etc, You would then subtract the debt from your assets. Then take that total and split it up! If you already owned the house (like i did) you could get fucked! she can either have half of the net assets or you can buy her out-cash! so like i said dont fuckin do it! (unless she has the money. BTW Divorce lawyers aint cheap like $150 per hour and UP! Oh and if you have kids to fight over it will get worse.

Just found this thread. it’s a few weeks old.

I’m due to be hitched October 4th, 2008.

She’s the only female I’ve ever met, who can put up with my insane, obsession (possibly unhealthy) for skiing.

Right now I’m taking flak because I keep shooting down wedding song suggestions, and offer no ideas of my own. heh.