When news reporters screw up

this video is so funny 540guy’s mom showed it to me and i had to post it

Who is Wayne?

I like this argument better.

when I seen the title I was hopen someone added the reporter stomping on grapes, the sounds she makes when she face plants are hilarious.
Surprised someone didnt add the reporter gettign mauled by the bear haha.

my brother went on my name and posted this :picard:, im beatin his ass when i get home.

it’s the very last clip in the vid dudebro

i have to admit, the snowtube makin the guy do the front flip was pretty funny

I waaasssss singins bitch.

i tried to find those ones thats so funny :lolham:

My bad nick :noob:

dude when the reporter gets clawed… the noise she makes after… priceless

That vid made me very happy.

can someone please post the link of the interview in australia about the oil liner that sunk there. Neone know what im talkign about?

the front fell off?

ya lmfao!!! someone plz i cant find it

nvm its on youtube

hahaha the front fell off was a joke interview, i always thought it was serious, these 2 guys have a bunch of these. Heres a pretty funny one about the iraq war lmao