This is so wrong. Even I felt bad for laughing.
ROFL!!! HAHAHAHA oh shit, everyone around me in the library just started laughing when they saw that
Oh shit… wait until I go to work today and show some of the Bills Front office people, they are going to either flip out our laugh very hard.
lol omfg
on the same day that they annouced his locker was removed to make room for new people
holy shit i cant stop laughing, its SOOOOOO much better with sound
I heard about this on shred and ragan, thats so great.
backround story ? youtube is blocked
IB4 Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?!?
hahaha i think i just pissed myself watching both of those.
WOW i laughed then i realized im a horrible person.
jhahahahahaha. i seriously can not stop watching that. so good.
backround story ? youtube is blocked
video is supposed to be kevin everett but instead it is some black guy ina wheel chair kicking at cops. Someone fucked up huge in a really sad/funny way.
i thought the dude was having a seizure. hahaha.
LMAO, that is unreal.