when u dont listen to singh

so lately ive been building alot more computers than usual, i dont know what it is, everyone just feels like buying a computer right now.

my whole thing is web design, its not some service i advertise and promote becuase there isnt enough money in it for me to build pc’s only.

so one of my awesome clients decided that he couldnt trust my judgement when i sent him a pc list list for about 1000 dollars in parts. he claimed it was too expensive and that the specs where not impressing him.

core i7 920 / 6gb tri channel ddr3 2000 / gtx 285 / x58 / 1tb hdd

there is short description…

so after cussing his old dell for ages he decided that singh wasnt able to deliver what he needed, so he went and spent 2000 bucks on a dell xps…

so LOL here are the short specs

core i7 920 / 12gb of lazy ddr3 1066 / 4670 ati / 750gb hdd and some super super bs dell issue mobo looks like a pentium II setup LOL

he spent 2 grand because he thpught 12gb of lazy ram was going to make a big difference…

so he called me last night to come in the store today and work on it

im leaving him a 175 dollar bill to come here and remove all the dell addon software, install his new bs software, printer and other crap and get it “setup”

so i couldnt believe how fuckin slow this pc is, didnt even a 5.5 score on windows vista, it had like 58 pop ups from dell and anti virus bs on startup and took literally 7 mins to shut down, and some guy who “knows about computers” came yesterday and installed outdated software like office 2003 and adobe photoshop cs2 bs

g t f o

why are people so stupid that they cant even trust somone who isnt

total losses on clients end about 1 grand or more for a slower pc

i was going to charge 200 bucks to put the pc together and format and install software

instead it was 175 to come and hit uninstall a bunch of times


oh BOB SAGET! :facepalm

Singh, I may have you build me a PC in the near future…

Singh knows what he’s talking about.

And Singh, where do you get your parts? I’ve finished up all my decision making on parts and I’m looking to buy now. Just wondering if you have any place better than Newegg?

Singh even if you didnt know what you’re talking about, I’d still think that you did just by all that techno hokus pokus in that post.

Newegg.com FTW.

I love Newegg. Best prices I’ve seen, and they are very good about shipping quickly and accepting returns or RMAs.

And the daily deals kick ass…so many random impulse buys because of that page.

Slack, try TigerDirect if you haven’t. Rarely do they beat Neweggs prices, but they are also a good vendor.

I sometimes use Provantage (but that is for work, don’t know if you need to have an ‘account’ with them or not).

slack there is a handful of sites to get parts but they are almost never worth the money u save when u realize how well and fast newegg ships and works with you on rma’s

newegg ftw right now, and they fought for ny tax free

ryan ya just send me a pm

im here still fucking with this computer haha what a joke

that was the best post ever posted, plus rep LOL

for the record slack knows his shit esp with programming

u used to GEEK, y are u having someone else build u a comp?

Singh, i dont listen to u when u dont stfu on aim. 99.9% of the time im on, im getting my faps off. so think about that next time u im me. :slight_smile:

Install child porn on his computer and call the FBI

^^^ hahaha.

where would one get child porn?

newegg is definitely the place to get parts. i’ve built a lot of computers and i’ve always ordered parts from there.

speaking of which i need to revisit my server. alarm was going off last time it was on and i haven’t had time to investigate.

singh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>* when it comes to computers

i know from experience

and his bedroom looks like a computer hacker’s headquarters :lmao :lmao

only windows programming, I’m fucked if it has anything to do with unix

FYI, I never built PC’s in my spare time for fun. I am an Engineer now, and dont build PC’s anymore and really dont want to.

Hey hey hey…

I build computers to you know

and I haz family to support :frowning:

software engineer?