When You Can't Die Fast Enough . . .

“Corvette Mike” brought his Mosler to Nelson Racing Engines. If you’re not familiar with NRE, look them up. They’re the final argument in excessive force. Twin-turbo LS7 making four-digit horsepower on pump gas in a 2400 lb car. Even with the turbo equipment, the car is probably under 2700 lbs.

Infinity billion horsepower in a package lighter than a Honda Civic.


But I’ll still take it in the twisties


Yeah right :rofl

impressive…, do you know if thats to the wheels or not? the didnt see them saying either way. but in any case thats stupid power right there…

Nelson does his dyno testing on a 3000 HP engine dyno.

freight train dyno! damn. thats too fast :ohnoes

i wonder what that fucker would put to the wheels… i doubt it would loose much dyno wise but i bet if you didnt put the right tires on it that it would just rip the tires right off the wheels LOL

With the right gears, it’d walk a Veyron (or anything else, for that matter) from 0 - ???.

It’d probably blow by even the older V10 F1 setups.

fuck me i want one… lmfao

These cars are just uber-retarded when it comes to speed and handling and this particular chassis is going to be quite a handfull no doubt. Like I said before, if you ever get to drive one DO IT!!! Even if it means selling a nut or appendage.

With potential BHP numbers like that, in a 2350lb chassis it could have 50% drivetrain loss and still smoke the crap out of 98% of the cars on the road. :haha

This is a big F-U to Ultima and their twitchy $100K+ GTR, and I absolutely love it :mwahaha