where can i get some decent hose clamps ?

hey guys im looking to get some decent hoseclamps that dont skip when you tighten them hard, im looking to use them on my coolant hoses and oil lines, let me know… where can i buy them ? im not talking baout turbo clamps, and they dont have to be spring loaded

cisco industrial

there’s one in brampton, around dixie or kennedy, and there’s one right on hi7 just east of keele

also you can get excellent hoses there

theres another place for hoses nearby too, 40 north rivermede, niagara industrial

CISCO is just south on Britania on Dixie. I got all mine there. About $7
$9 depending on the sizes and they have a wide range in stock allt he time.

Princess Auto (which is just north of Britania on Dixie) also has them
although I don’t think their sizes are large enogh (i.e. 3" or higher)