Where is the Cheapest Movie Theater?


Not sure what the name is but the theaters next to Home Depot on walden (near Walmart & Tops)


You better take some Lysol and a disposable seat if your going there!

That place is NASTY! You could catch an STD or even the HIVVVV,Ewwwww.

^^Do i get a discount if i get a std?


You better take some Lysol and a disposable seat if your going there!

That place is NASTY! You could catch an STD or even the HIVVVV,Ewwwww.


I didn’t think it was nearly as dirty as the appletree used to be but i did notice most of their customers are obnoxius shitheads.

The Theatre in East Aurora on Mondays.

It’s like $5. Bad part is only one theatre, so you gotta wait a bit before what you want to see is up.

Even if you go on nights other than Monday, I’ts not too bad.

I want to firebomb Regal for the prices they charge. i never go there unless I have gift certificates. Those douches aren’t getting any of my money.


the four seasons over by the outlets is 3.50 a person


word. cheap snacks to :tup:

There’s the 3 dollar movie place on Walden going towards Buffalo. But it shows movies that were already in the threater.