$2 movies at Buff drive in Tuesdays

If any one is interested -its the last year of whats probably one of the coolest movie traditions in WNY, The Buffalo drive-in on Harlem has $2 per person movies (double features) on Tuesday night for the rest of the season, at the end of the season the place is done, bulldozed, probably make way for a new housing project. get it while its hot.-good times- bring beers and friends.


If any one is interested -its the last year of whats probably one of the coolest movie traditions in WNY, The Buffalo drive-in on Harlem has $2 per person movies (double features) on Tuesday night for the rest of the season, at the end of the season the place is done, bulldozed, probably make way for a new housing project. get it while its hot.-good times- bring beers and friends.


I saw that when I drove by and didnt know if a 1 fell off from a 12 making it look like a 12.

Never been to a drive in, is it good?


I saw that when I drove by and didnt know if a 1 fell off from a 12 making it look like a 12.

Never been to a drive in, is it good?


it fucking rules.

transit drive in will still be around

i am going to go one night.


If any one is interested -its the last year of whats probably one of the coolest movie traditions in WNY, The Buffalo drive-in on Harlem has $2 per person movies (double features) on Tuesday night for the rest of the season, at the end of the season the place is done, bulldozed, probably make way for a new housing project. get it while its hot.-good times- bring beers and friends.


are u asking me on a date Jason

im 2 miles from this drive-in. im probably never gonna go again once this is gone… since transit drive-in is like 30 miles one way

The Medical Center is expanding that is why they are taking it down.

Drive In > Theatre any day.

I am gonna miss it…this will be the 2nd Drive In in WNY in my life to vanish.

The first one used to be where Regal Cinemas now is. I remember going there when I was little.

Its a shame to see a piece of Americana go away and the Transit Drive In might expand as I heard they were interested in buying some equipment from Buffalo.

hell ya its fun! get a bunch of friends a nice sounding-loud car/truck and some lawn chairs and rock out with some beers and chill. the pic quality aint the best but shit soon these things will all be a thing of the past. Its a good thing the one in Lockport is in the middle of fuckin nowhere.
Chris i got a bench seat so you and me can cuddle!

Oh damn, I didn’t even know this I’m just like a mile or so away from this. :frowning:

the food is way cheaper/better also. for those that like to get wet

show listings???


looks like the best listing i can find


Oh damn, I didn’t even know this I’m just like a mile or so away from this. :frowning:


want to go see rush hour 3, The Bourne Ultimatum, or transformers again?

Im hoping for Hot rod/ Superbad next week!! FYI bring a cooler with food/beer and save a ton of cash or help the cause and buy at the snackbar- free bugs in nacho cheese!



looks like the best listing i can find


wanna be my date?

Is there enough room in yer two seater sexrod? Ill join ya.


wanna be my date?


way to ask me at 11pm… i was sooo ready to tuck it back and put on some rouge lipstick…