Where My Kittahs At?

A few years ago, a litter of kittens was discovered in my parent’s backyard. They went to the following homes:

BlazedTempo (Kristen, who gave it to Cyanide / Desmond?)
XMan / Kevin
Neurokinetik / Bret

Were there more?

Where are they now?

desmond still has his. its in vegas.

i haven’t seen xman post in ages…he’s still around?

brets cat used to hurt me back in the day

I recall Bret’s cat being particularly feisty. When I brought it to Bubble Tea, I wore suede BBQ gloves!

Anyone remember their names?

didnt toda name his greddy…or some turbo name?

Sounds familiar…

it was redrum and toda’s, they named it greddy. i think bret still has it

Kristen’s kittah was a bitch

From the stories I’ve heard, they were ALL pretty bad cats!

this thread needs pics of said kittahs.

Neurokinetik’s cat is doing quite well. Saw it the other night when RX3 and I were over at his place watching the WRC torrent from last week.


What’s Neurokinetik up to?! He’s MIA.