My sister’s cat went out and got pregnant before they took her to be spayed (she’s only 5 months old)…So now my mom and sister are looking for people to adopt some kitties. There are 4 boys, 2 are striped, and two are black. One of the striped kitties has long hair… One black kitty has a bunch of grey hairs on his back. They are 7 weeks old now, so they can be picked up in a week. If anyone is interested, you can even go look at them now if you want. You can post here or call me at (724) 797-1403 if you might want one. Thanks.
AWE they are sooo adorable, if only I could have another
I’ll ask around for you to a couple close friends see if they are interested
That one little black one has a bunch of grey hairs on his back, like a little old man lol. I wanna take him home but the landlord only allows me to have one…And I already have two. Thanks for checking around though.
i like that black one! and the one w/ the black stripes…those r cool lookin kitties
I’ll tell ya what, you can have all four :bigthumb:
haha. i wish. if i could, i’d take atleast 1
They’re climbing and running all over my mom’s house getting into everything. They were all fighting over who got to sleep in the food dish after they ate the cat food the other day.
I can’t say I’m interested, but as a side note, I may have already killed a few kittens this week…
they are cute,i got four right now…lil fuckers!
But i’ll take ur pupppies:bigthumb:
The puppies are already claimed, but then again I have more than enough to go around :hahano:
excuse me, just whoring thru
:doh: :steelers: