where the hell


for the record, if i may speak on his behalf as well as mine, there is nottt any stool pushing, sword swallowing or any of the other references going on in here.

and slowmarro: dont worry k20 is fine lol

Crossing streams perhaps?

nope, no stream crossing, docking, making an H, baton swallowing, or homo shit going on. none of it

Going to Paris then?

hate to break it to you and everyone else but there isnt any penus puffery going on anywhere

Oh skin flute practice then?

refer to above statement

UMAD. Just joking with you good sir.

haha nah i know your joking, its no big deal sir!

Okay sir. I think the whole thread was started cause Jonboi has a rockin heart on for Joey. Poor fella. lol

haha nah i know, slowmarro has a raging, joey addicted crotch.

no , i was more pissed that ya werent makin that man love to me …


Joey’s dead… fell off a cliff. Died on impact

what ??? johnny k and i got herpies from the same chick . we were eifell towering hat whore

Joey hasnt been on in a bit, yet still has 4200 post more than the next guy lol. 10k more than you, John, and 20k more than me. lulz

One person I wouldn’t ask is vot. I can vouch that he hasn’t seen SHIT.

he died instantly on impact the next day

he got fucked up in the Quidich playoffs…they had to take both his big toes and a pinky finger…poor guy. didnt have enough weight on the broom stick. shit happens guys.