Where to buy smaller shipping boxes CHEAP

You could always get the free boxes from the post office and buy a roll of brown wrapping paper for $2

don i break down 87439827689276 boxes a night at work… you know how to get a hold of me. :slight_smile:

haha word.

We got a bunch for now. All my weekend’s stuff is boxed up and ready to go.

We ordered a ton of those we can reverse around, and we also have a few extras for until the reversibles come. I’ll drive Jam nuts at work if I run out :wink:

Don’t buy!! You can get tons of free small boxes from like, liqour stores and shit. Just go in and ask. They have all sizes.

EDIT: You’re selling sunglasses?

yeah that flipping the boxes = the jewel of knowledge

and yeah, sunglasses. :slight_smile:

weird child, you are. always doing something strange.

well, sunglasses among other things.

https://shop.usps.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/OrderItemDisplay?langId=-1&krypto=dyE9XVUr1ZL7CYBGHAQPcvRkfYm5pGql0zEvrk1ldQBwIvm0zRWU%2BGNysixgTPYK7sbRqHac3ZhW lciCrGNXKdbM07Z%2B6AEQNV2lphC0xBafXzH5F87DaPdGbUfVMXiXE9MTcTQ5iPUkSvvrjNOxoFoG NSZ%2BAbbTfMAGoYJaDHGj3gcFwnYsf%2FkWdsxadL4Dp7jU5CE0wPBgyg%2BISSDLBSXTeEmQQH7JC5%2BL JbDGwJWErO6jySnXyISteIpcbbdS2HpkS6w3KkMBCobqKUCsF%2Fi1GWVX%2FRbrJAFxbBfB%2Bt8rqtzJ 4Y%2FD8%2FlZplN7FZhLnbZ8i3yVcMHQzhE1YFA2Cg9ML4FlLsTr