Where to Buy?

Steering Wheel Screws?

Those tiny flat head screws that connect the wheel to a hub?

Anyone have 6 extra or know a location to buy?


i have some

6 in total?

What do you want for them?


yes 6 i have 2 sets right now 1 black and 1 silver but i owe one set to adams13, im meeting him tommorrow at kennedy commons meet, if you can some there u can pic them up…

as for price i really dont know

im just outside newmarket if that doesnt work


Perfect, I live in Newmarket (Bathurst and #9) and I work late most nights. Why don’t we meet in Newmy some time before Thursday and I’ll grab them from you. Chapters on yonge?
As for price, I don’t have a clue. Maybe a 24 for your troubles? Or some cash, your choice.

or hell, i’m home now, call my cell if you can meet up tonight

sorry bro didnt see your post till now, i think a 24 is a bit much for a few little screws, maybe 10 bucks? ill call you tommorrow

LOL, thats fine with me.
Talk to you soon.

Got them from CSK-240-R1 (Brad) last night, thanks for all the help guys