where to find couplers in niagara region?

looking for some 2.5" couplers for my ic piping.

not going to be needing em for long, just for afew days during mock up. after that its all getting welded.

still would be nice to have some.

i checked the following and came up short…

automotive warehouse
canadian tire
parts source

any place else i can check?

Canadian Tire. Ask to see the Keystone catalog.

You should be able to find some rubber ones in there along with silicon ones.

i bought mine from automotive wearhouse

warehouse = douchebags

never found them to be very good, either i talked to some new guy who didnt know jack, or they’re just tards.

thanks guys,


i have basic rubber couplers in stock in 2.5"

$5 each, i have 6 of them


pm sent

im also going to be needing a downpipe from you :smiley: